
US intervention is a root cause of migration

Militarization and neoliberal policies will not bring about much needed structural changes to Guatemala and instead will work towards preserving the statu quo that forces many to migrate.
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US intervention is a root cause of migration

05 de Abril de 2021
Palabras clave

There is an old joke that goes: “—Why has there never been a coup in the US? —Because there is no US Embassy in the US.”

The meaning behind the joke is the historical intervention that the US have had in Latin America and elsewhere. Honduras, Bolivia and Venezuela are recent examples of US backed coups and coup attempts. The newly inaugurated Biden administration has renewed the discussion about US foreign policy in Central America, which has been viewed by some as an opportunity to undue many of the Trump administration’s destructive policies. Despite this, it is important to note that the US government, under...


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