
The US and its business partners in Guatemala

Make no mistake: changing the United States’ relationship with Guatemala —both for good and for the better— requires talking about business and investment.
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The US and its business partners in Guatemala

16 de Febrero de 2021
Palabras clave
«Pillars of the Capitol» (2020, own image).

The United States government is resetting its relationship with Central America. And everybody (myself included) rushes to tell it what to do. Of course, it is one thing to speak, quite another to be heard.

Before Trump, three things stood out in the media about Washington’s agenda for Guatemala: drug trafficking, corruption and undocumented migrants (i.e., poor migrants). As with a sound system, Trump simply twiddled with the buttons that were already there. He let the war against drug trafficking continue more or less as he found it. He turned the anti-corruption knob to zero so abruptly that it broke, and so helped the insufferable Morales expel Cicig. And he turned the volume of the persecut...


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