
Fruit or root?: turning money into politics

Picture them [...] stake in hand, poking away as they search for these roots, while the fruits of migration, Antil himself a case in point, fall juicy and ripe on their foolish heads.
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Fruit or root?: turning money into politics

11 de Mayo de 2021
Palabras clave
«Ripe fruit - figs» (2020, own image).

A couple of weeks ago, Marcos Antil, a Guatemalan businessman and migrant to the United States, made the case in the press for disrupting the statu quo in Guatemala.


Disruption —a term that has moved from English into Spanish— is about abrupt change. Antil is not calling for violence, but rather to innovate by occupying the spaces the powerful have overlooked in their effort to maintain the statu quo.

Not so long ago, a well-known intellectual from the Guatemalan traditional elite illustrated the opposite: she called for Cicig, the UN-backed justice and anticorruption entity, to act “discreetly” in cases involving bu...


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